Here Are The New Hampshire Solar Incentives


by Eric Lam - Published 1/8/2024


Are you a homeowner in New Hampshire considering making the switch to solar energy? Then you'll want to know all about the solar incentives available in the state. From tax credits to rebate programs, New Hampshire offers several incentives to make solar energy more accessible and affordable for residents.

So, if you're ready to learn how you can take advantage of these incentives to go solar, keep reading to find out more!

Key Takeaways:

  • New Hampshire offers a variety of solar incentives to encourage the use of renewable energy sources.
  • These incentives include tax credits, net metering, exemptions, rebates, and SRECs.
  • To qualify for these incentives, homeowners must meet specific requirements set by each program.

What Are The Solar Incentives Available In New Hampshire?

New Hampshire offers various solar incentives to promote renewable energy adoption and support residential and commercial solar installations.

One of the significant solar incentives in New Hampshire is the Renewable Energy Fund, which provides financial assistance and incentives for renewable energy projects, including solar installations. The state offers Property Tax Exemption for solar energy systems, allowing property owners to exempt the added value of the solar system from property taxes.

New Hampshire has established partnerships with solar installation companies to offer discounted installation costs and financing options for residents and businesses looking to go solar.

Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit

The Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit in New Hampshire incentivizes homeowners to invest in renewable energy systems by offering tax credits for eligible solar installations.

This tax credit is available for both primary and secondary residences, and covers a percentage of the expenses related to installing solar panels, solar water heating systems, small wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, and fuel cells. To be eligible, homeowners need to ensure that the systems meet the necessary performance and quality standards. The application procedure involves filing Form 5695 along with the annual tax return, and homeowners should keep documentation of the installation and equipment receipts.

The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) is a valuable resource to understand the specific requirements and details of this credit. The IRS plays a vital role in providing guidance on claiming the tax credit and ensuring compliance with its regulations.

Net Metering Program

New Hampshire's Net Metering Program enables solar system owners to receive credits for excess electricity generated and contribute surplus energy to the grid, with participating utilities including New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Unitil, and Liberty Utilities.

The Net Metering Program in New Hampshire functions by allowing solar system owners to offset their electricity consumption costs by exporting excess energy back to the grid. This is achieved through a system of credits, where the surplus energy generated by the solar panels is metered and credited to the owner's account. Participating utilities, such as the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Unitil, and Liberty Utilities, facilitate this process by ensuring that the surplus energy is successfully integrated into the grid. By participating in this program, not only do solar system owners benefit financially, but they also contribute to the overall stability and sustainability of the grid, thereby promoting the integration of solar energy into the broader energy ecosystem.

Solar Energy System Exemption

The Solar Energy System Exemption in New Hampshire provides property tax exemptions for qualifying solar energy installations, administered in collaboration with the Department of Revenue Administration.

Property owners can benefit from this exemption by reducing their property tax burden. The scope of the exemption includes solar photovoltaic panels, solar hot water systems, and solar space heating systems. To qualify, the solar energy systems must be used primarily for on-site electricity generation or water heating.

The application process involves submitting a completed Solar Energy System Exemption application form to the local assessing officials along with the necessary documentation. The Department of Revenue Administration plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance and providing guidance to property owners and assessing officials. The financial benefits of this exemption extend to both residential and commercial property owners, encouraging the adoption of sustainable energy practices.

Property Tax Exemption

New Hampshire offers property tax exemptions for residential and commercial properties with solar installations, enhancing the financial viability of solar power adoption through tangible financial incentives.

This tax exemption applies to the added value of the solar energy system, providing relief on the increased property value. To qualify, the solar system must meet certain eligibility criteria, such as size, efficiency, and compliance with local regulations.

The exemption plays a crucial role in making solar power more affordable for homeowners and businesses, reducing the overall cost of ownership. It serves as a powerful incentive for individuals and organizations to invest in solar energy, contributing to the growth of renewable energy infrastructure.

Solar Renewable Energy Credits

Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) in New Hampshire provide financial benefits to solar system owners based on the production of renewable energy, with oversight from entities such as DSIRE, PUC, and REC.

SRECs represent the environmental attributes of solar power generation, serving as a market-based mechanism to incentivize renewable energy production. In essence, for every megawatt-hour of electricity generated by a solar power system, an SREC is earned. These credits can be sold or traded in the market, providing an additional revenue stream for solar system owners.

The process of SREC trading involves monitoring agencies such as DSIRE and regulatory oversight from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). The trading mechanisms ensure transparency and compliance with renewable energy standards, fostering a sustainable energy landscape in New Hampshire.

Municipal Utility Solar Rebate Program

Municipal Utility Solar Rebate Programs in New Hampshire offer financial incentives to homeowners and businesses for installing solar energy systems, often in partnership with local solar installation companies.

These programs are designed to lower the upfront costs associated with solar energy systems, making them more accessible to a wider range of consumers. Through rebates, participants can recoup a portion of their initial investment, effectively reducing the overall expense of the installation.

This financial support from the municipal utilities can significantly offset the overall cost of going solar, ultimately making the transition to renewable energy more affordable for the community.

How Do These Incentives Work?

Solar incentives function by providing financial, regulatory, or credit-based benefits to individuals or organizations adopting solar energy systems, encompassing tax credits, net metering, exemptions, and Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs).

Financial incentives, such as tax credits, reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels, making them more accessible to homeowners and businesses. Regulatory incentives, like net metering, allow solar system owners to effectively 'sell' excess energy back to the grid, offsetting their utility costs.

Credit-based incentives, such as SRECs, create tradable certificates for each megawatt-hour of solar energy produced, providing an additional revenue stream for system owners. These incentives collectively encourage adoption of solar energy, fostering a sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure.

Tax Credits

Tax credits for solar installations encompass both federal and state-level incentives, offering financial benefits to individuals and businesses investing in solar energy, often in collaboration with solar installation companies.

At the federal level, the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) provides a significant tax incentive for solar projects, allowing eligible individuals and businesses to claim a percentage of their solar system's cost as a credit against their federal taxes. On the state level, various incentive programs exist, such as rebates, grants, and performance-based incentives, which can further reduce the overall cost of solar installations.

Applying for these tax credits typically involves filing the appropriate forms with the IRS and state tax agencies, and the process may require documentation from the solar company providing the installation services. These companies play a crucial role in educating their customers about available incentives, assisting with the application process, and ensuring that installations meet the requirements for credit eligibility.

Net Metering

Net metering allows solar system owners to offset their electricity bills by exporting surplus solar power to the grid, leveraging a symbiotic relationship between solar energy and traditional utility services.

This process involves a bidirectional meter that tracks the electricity flows, allowing solar system owners to receive credits for the excess energy they contribute to the grid. These credits can then be used to offset the electricity consumed from the grid when solar production is insufficient, effectively reducing overall electricity costs.

By integrating solar power with traditional utility services through net metering, individuals can not only reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy sources but also contribute to a more sustainable energy ecosystem. This practice has been instrumental in promoting the adoption of renewable energy and fostering a more environmentally conscious approach to electricity consumption.

Exemptions and Rebates

Solar incentives include exemptions and rebates that reduce the financial burden of solar installation and make renewable energy adoption more accessible to homeowners and businesses.

These exemptions and rebates play a crucial role in promoting the uptake of solar energy by offsetting the initial investment costs. One notable exemption is the property tax exemption for solar energy systems, which allows homeowners and businesses to avoid additional tax burdens related to the increased property value resulting from solar installations. Rebates offered by state and federal governments help offset the upfront costs, making solar energy more financially feasible for a wider range of consumers.

Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs)

Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) enable solar system owners to generate financial value from their renewable energy production, often facilitated through trading platforms and regulatory oversight by entities such as REC.

SRECs serve as a tangible representation of the clean energy attributes produced by solar systems, typically equivalent to 1 megawatt-hour of electricity generated. These credits can be sold to utility companies or other entities needing to meet renewable energy targets, providing an additional revenue stream for solar system owners. The economic implications are significant, as SREC prices fluctuate based on supply and demand dynamics and regulatory changes. Solar companies play a crucial role in managing SREC transactions, assisting system owners with registration, monitoring production, and facilitating sales. Regulatory entities like state public utility commissions oversee the SREC market, ensuring compliance with renewable energy standards and transparent trading practices.

What Are The Requirements To Qualify For These Incentives?

Qualifying for solar incentives typically involves meeting residential or commercial eligibility criteria, engaging with specific utility programs, and collaborating with recognized solar installation companies.

For residential incentives, individuals often need to have a property suitable for solar panels with unobstructed access to sunlight. Some states may also have additional requirements regarding the age or condition of the property. Commercial qualification may entail demonstrating a certain level of energy consumption to ensure the viability of solar installation. These qualifications can vary depending on specific utility programs, so it's essential to research the unique requirements of each program.

Recognized solar installation companies play a crucial role in the qualification process. They are responsible for ensuring that the installation meets all local regulations and building codes. As such, they must have the necessary licensing and certifications, along with a track record of successful installations. Most solar incentives have a list of approved installers, and working with these companies can simplify the qualification process.

Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit

To qualify for the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit in New Hampshire, homeowners must adhere to specific renewable energy installation guidelines and fulfill the documentation requirements outlined by DSIRE and the IRS.

Homeowners need to ensure that the renewable energy installation meets the eligibility criteria set forth by the IRS. This involves using qualified renewable energy systems such as solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, and fuel cells. The installation must comply with the necessary building codes and environmental regulations.

Documentation plays a crucial role in the qualification process. Homeowners are required to maintain detailed records of the equipment costs, installation expenses, and any relevant permits obtained. These records will be submitted along with the Tax Form 5695 when claiming the tax credit.

Homeowners should closely follow the guidelines provided by DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency) to determine the specific requirements and incentives available in New Hampshire. DSIRE offers comprehensive information on state-level renewable energy policies and can assist homeowners in understanding the eligibility criteria and application procedures.

Net Metering Program

Participation in New Hampshire's Net Metering Program entails compliance with specific solar energy production and grid interaction requirements, in coordination with participating utilities such as New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Unitil, and Liberty Utilities.

The program requires solar energy systems to meet production standards set by the Public Utilities Commission. These standards ensure that the generated energy aligns with the overall grid requirements and contributes to the state's renewable energy goals. Participating utilities play a crucial role in facilitating the interconnection process, whereby the solar energy systems are linked to the grid.

Grid interaction guidelines encompass the technical specifications for the safe and efficient two-way flow of electricity between the solar installations and the grid. Compliance with these guidelines ensures smooth integration of solar energy into the existing grid infrastructure.

The involvement of specific utilities, including New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Unitil, and Liberty Utilities, means that participants must adhere to the interconnection procedures and regulations stipulated by each utility. These procedures vary slightly depending on the utility, but all aim to ensure seamless and secure integration of the solar energy systems with the grid.

Solar Energy System Exemption

Qualifying for the Solar Energy System Exemption in New Hampshire entails meeting specific solar installation criteria and engaging with the Department of Revenue Administration to facilitate property tax exemptions for eligible solar energy systems.

Once the solar energy system is installed, it must meet certain standards to be considered eligible for the exemption. This involves complying with the applicable installation requirements outlined by the state or local regulations, ensuring that the system is appropriately sized and located, and meeting any specific technical specifications.

Property owners are required to engage with the Department of Revenue Administration to provide the necessary documentation and information about their solar energy system, including its capacity, the date of installation, and other relevant details.

Property Tax Exemption

Eligibility for property tax exemptions related to solar installations in New Hampshire requires compliance with specific energy generation and installation criteria, aiming to incentivize the adoption of solar power through tangible financial benefits.

In New Hampshire, to qualify for property tax exemptions, the solar installations must meet prescribed energy generation standards and adhere to specific installation prerequisites. These criteria serve as an impetus for encouraging the adoption of solar power by offering substantial financial incentives. Meeting these standards not only benefits the environment but also provides homeowners and businesses with long-term economic advantages in the form of reduced energy costs and potential revenue from excess energy generation.

Solar Renewable Energy Credits

Achieving eligibility for Solar Renewable Energy Credits involves adherence to renewable energy production metrics, engagement with regulatory entities such as DSIRE and PUC, and the facilitation of credit management through recognized solar companies and REC oversight.

To qualify for Solar Renewable Energy Credits, the solar energy systems must meet specific production standards set by relevant regulatory bodies. These standards typically revolve around the amount of electricity generated from renewable sources. It is essential that the production data is accurately recorded and reported to ensure compliance with these standards. Simultaneously, it is imperative to engage with regulatory entities, like DSIRE (Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency) and the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), to stay informed about the latest guidelines and requirements.


  • establishing and maintaining a robust credit management system is crucial. This involves working closely with accredited solar companies that can assist in the creation and monitoring of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).
  • Oversight and verification of these credits by relevant authorities are essential to ensure their validity and marketability. Solar project developers, owners or operators need to follow the prescribed procedures for REC management, focusing on accurate tracking, reporting, and verification of the production data and associated attributes.

Municipal Utility Solar Rebate Program

Participation in Municipal Utility Solar Rebate Programs necessitates compliance with installation standards, engagement with local solar companies, and adherence to specific program guidelines to qualify for financial incentives related to solar installations.

Installation standards not only involve the technical aspects of setting up solar systems but also encompass the safety and structural requirements to ensure long-term efficiency.

Engagement with local solar companies is encouraged to foster community partnerships, drive the local economy, and receive expert assistance in navigating program requirements.

Adherence to specific program guidelines encompasses documentation, permitting, and inspection processes to streamline and expedite the approval of financial incentives.

New Hampshire Solar FAQ:

Q1: What are the main solar incentives available in New Hampshire? A1: New Hampshire offers several solar incentives, including the Renewable Energy Fund, Property Tax Exemption for solar systems, net metering, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), and partnerships with solar installation companies for discounted installation and financing options.

Q2: How does the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit benefit homeowners in New Hampshire? A2: The Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit in New Hampshire offers tax credits to homeowners for installing eligible solar energy systems. This credit covers a portion of the expenses associated with the installation, making solar energy systems more affordable for both primary and secondary residences.

Q3: What is net metering and how does it work in New Hampshire? A3: Net metering in New Hampshire allows solar system owners to receive credits for excess electricity generated and exported to the grid. Utilities like New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Unitil, and Liberty Utilities offer this program, enabling homeowners to offset their electricity consumption costs and contribute to the state's renewable energy goals.

Q4: What is the Solar Energy System Exemption in New Hampshire? A4: The Solar Energy System Exemption in New Hampshire provides a property tax exemption for qualifying solar installations. This exemption reduces the property tax burden for homeowners who install solar energy systems, as the added value of the solar system is exempt from property taxes.

Q5: How do Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) work in New Hampshire? A5: Solar Renewable Energy Credits in New Hampshire offer financial incentives to solar system owners based on the renewable energy they produce. Owners earn SRECs for each megawatt-hour of electricity generated, which can be sold or traded, providing an additional revenue stream. This system is overseen by entities such as DSIRE and the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).